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Fractional Management

j.m Perry offers subscription based fractional representation that scales with small and medium size business's growth. 
Starting at 12 hours a month, a sponsorship expert is plugged into your business development process. 

A compensation structure is assigned based on the subscription model and work assigned. 

Book a meeting
and find out where your business fits in our subscription model.


Designed for lighter or longer term commitments.  A good place to start to test the engagement for small business.

Starting at 12 hours/month


Designed for SMBs to support existing teams or organizations growing towards a full time sales representative.

Starting at 40 hours/month


Your sales targets are more demanding and require more resources.  Ideal for time sensitive projects.

Starting at 80 hours/month


Need  full time representation or simply require an ad hoc solution?  Talk with us to carve out the best model.

Starting at 160 hours/month

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